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National Peace Symposium 2015

On Saturday 14th March, more than 1,000 people attended the National Peace Symposium held at the the Baitul Futuh Mosque, Morden.

The Baitful Futuh Mosque is the largest mosque in Western Europe and is the centre of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whose message is ‘Love for all – Hatred for None’. The symposium is a key event for the community and promotes a deeper understanding of Islam and other faiths, as well as seeking to inspire a concerted effort for lasting peace.

Delegates present at the event were from a great number of different religions and communities. Speeches were made by several Members of Parliament, including the House of Lords, and by local dignitaries.

The keynote speech, with the message of peace, was by His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the Worldwide Community (right).

A peace prize was awarded to an amazing 67 year old Indian lady, known as ‘Mother of Orphans’ for her lifetime’s work with nearly 2,000 orphans in India.

Proceedings finished with a delicious sit-down meal served to the delegates at the 100 round tables in the huge hall.

Sustainable Merton was represented by Gillian Leigh and Fiona Rutherford – seen in the photo above with Yousaf Aftab and Hassan Hakeem who run community and charity programmes. Their volunteers are due to work with us in the near future.


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