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#PlasticFreeMerton makes a splash in Wimbledon!

Wimbledon Piazza was buzzing with activity on Saturday 24th February, as our mini North Pacific Gyre - home to a mass of plastic and debris 5x the size of North Korea, took centre stage and Sustainable Merton’s Community Champions brought home the scale of the plastic pollution problem.

Merton resident, and Community Champion, Emma Rogers - who will bravely be rowing across the Pacific Ocean in June, was joined by her Ripple Effect crew member - Mariana Cadore, to share their passion to save our oceans and inspire others to take action here in Merton to stop the flow of plastics.

8 school-aged children full of energy and enthusiasm joined us from Curiouser and Co, along with their parents, to help raise awareness of our campaign. The children made two fantastic models of Emma’s boat from plastic waste they had collected to highlight the feat Emma and her crew will face as they cross the plastic-filled Pacific and see, firsthand, the harm this is causing to marine life.

We spoke to over 165 residents of all ages, and it became very clear that many of you are concerned about this issue and want to do more to help turn the tide on plastics. 40 people made their pledge to join our Plastic Free Weekly Challenges, and you too can join the fight against plastic pollution - make your pledge today!


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