On Thursday 9th April, we saw a wonderful example of your support of the work we carry out in this borough, when 50 people gave up their time to help with the transformation of a 1,500 square metre area of derelict land on Fieldgate Lane in Mitcham, as part of the Dig Merton project.
Work had been previously been carried out to clear the land of tonnes of debris, build raised beds and create an urban orchard for the community. Now, with the help of local residents at our Family Planting Day, a beautiful rose bed and herb garden have also been planted and the whole thing finished off with a 100m flower border.
All of this was only possible through the simple concept of partnership where all those who wanted to see this happen pulled together to make it so.
The partners were Barratt Homes, London Borough of Merton, Circle Housing – Merton Priory, Wyvale Garden Centre, Morden mosque, Merton Chamber of Commerce, Lidl, Asda and, of course, local residents.
Together, an area of beauty has been created with all the pride and sense of achievement that accompanies this and it is our belief that more of this exciting work can be carried out where such partnerships emerge.
Tom Walsh
CEO Sustainable Merton