The UN Climate Change Conference – COP 23, which has just come to a close in Bonn, Germany, has reminded us just how daunting the size of the problem really is, and how important the work of grassroots organisations is to engage local communities on this issue.
But it is not all doom and gloom. The famous agreement signed two years ago at COP21 in Paris still holds, and several countries – including India and China, are exceeding their commitment. This is particularly exciting as their efforts have nullified the effect of the USA withdrawing from the agreement.
In America, a huge ‘We are still in’ group has emerged, supported by hundreds of states, cities, towns and businesses – demonstrating their enduring commitment to tackling climate change.
So rather than feeling daunted by the size of the challenge, we should feel proud that we are part of the solution!”
Tom Walsh
CEO, Sustainable Merton