Merton's Air Quality Plan
2018 - 2023
Merton Council has committed to reducing the exposure of people in the borough to poor air quality.
The Council's updated Air Quality Action Plan identifies its priorities for tackling air quality over the next 5 years and is backed by Cabinet members, departmental Heads of Service covering Environmental Health, Transport, Planning and Public Health.
Sustainable Merton supports much of the plan and agrees that cross-departmental working is necessary.
Key aims of the plan:
Encourage the uptake of low emission vehicles.
Identify key causes and measures for improving traffic congestion.
Evaluate the benefits and feasibility of introducing ‘mini’ Ultra-Low Emission Zones.
Provide guidance to developers on effective air pollution mitigation and maximise opportunities to improve infrastructure for sustainable transport options.
Formalise anti-idling enforcement.
Work with schools, parents and students to improve awareness of air quality and sustainable travel options.
Provide accurate air quality data to evaluate trends.
"Sustainable Merton is now looking at how we can influence what happens, and get involved in action on measuring and monitoring air quality in hot spots, particularly around schools and key traffic idling points, as well as inform and inspire our community to contribute so that together we can improve the air we breathe."
Diana Sterck
CEO, Sustainable Merton