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Celebrating the volunteer

On 9th February, we were joined by over 40 of our friends and supporters to celebrate the great work of our volunteers and 10 years of Sustainable Merton!

The business part of the AGM was quickly dispatched, with a brief review of the last year’s many and varied achievements by the new Chair, Mike Morris, then trustees elected and re-elected.

In the second part of the evening Tom Walsh talked about the Community Champions project and introduced the newly recruited project manager, Sandy McClure. Several volunteers spoke about the positive and life changing experiences volunteering had offered them.

Russell Smith enthused the audience with Retrofit Works’ co-operative model for refurbishing housing stock in Merton, Sutton, Kingston and Richmond to high environmental standards, enabling residents to benefit from more comfortable and energy efficient homes and boosting the local economy through new work for local companies.

The evening was an interesting and inspiring way to celebrate Sustainable Merton’s 10 years of existence.

“It was great to celebrate 10 years of working with the people of Merton to reduce our impact on the local environment. We look forward to ten more years!”

Tom Walsh, CEO

“I think this AGM was one of our best. Our volunteers spoke straight from the heart”

Gillian Leigh , Deputy Chair of Trustees


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