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Our current consumption of resources and throwaway habit is not sustainable.

We are working to reduce waste in Merton through championing reusing, refilling, repairing and recycling. We want to see a shift towards a more circular economy where resources are conserved, valued and kept in the loop.


Simple changes in behaviour and the decisions we make each day can have a big impact. Act now to protect what you love.

Our projects & campaigns

Images for The Wheel Website.jpg




Web Photo - Pollards Hill, Recycling, Mum and daughter.jpg

Pollards hill waste project

Web Photo - Plastic Free, Zero Waste Shop.jpg

Plastic Free Merton

Web Photo, Pollards Hill, Young People, Litter Pick.jpg


Morden Library of Things, Abe and Hedge

MORDEN library of things

I wish we could extend our ingenuity to encourage a mass step change – reducing and reusing at a rate that surpasses landfill and incineration.


With the volatility of recyclable materials often making single-use materials cheaper for manufacturers to produce will we get to a stage quick enough to realise that the environment is worth more than money? As ever I will keep my fingers crossed for humankind."



Community Champion

Recycle 4 Charity

Printer Ink Check

recycle to raise funds for sustainable merton

Recycle printer cartridges to raise money to support the work we do.


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