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Phipps Bridge Community Garden Open Day

Updated: Sep 28, 2018

On Wednesday 22nd October, Sustainable Merton, with the support of the local Metropolitan Police, Merton Voluntary Service Council, South Mitcham Community Association and Circle Housing Merton Priory, held an open day at the Phipps Bridge community garden.

The aim of the day was to get the community working together to grow their own food and care for a garden that they can be proud of, and for residents to get to know their local police team and members of organisations working to make a difference in the Phipps Bridge area.

Due to the poor weather, only four locals took advantage of the event but we will be hosting a similar event in the spring to see if better weather and the start of a new season will encourage more people to join us.

Fortunately, on the same day we were joined by six learners and four staff from Orchard Hill College and we are pleased that they will be working with us on the garden every Wednesday from now onwards.


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