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Working together to keep Merton clean

Support your local litter pick and join forces with like-minded people to keep our streets and greenspaces clean.

local litter picks

Image by Jasmin Sessler
Litter Pick Colliers Wood

Wandle Trail

When: Every 4th Sunday of the month, 11am

Where: Meet outside Sainsbury's Savacentre, Colliers Wood High Street


Litter pick along the Wandle Trail, from the Savacentre to Merton Abbey Mills. Equipment provided. 


Contact: Bryony Pollock


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Colliers Wood Parks & Green Spaces Group

When: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9am

Where: Various locations


The group visits whichever green space is in most need. Please contact the Colliers Wood Parks & Green Spaces Group for more information.​



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Friends of Mitcham Common

When: Various days/dates

Where: confirmed when event is announced

The Friends of Mitcham Common host regular litter picks to keep the common clean. All equipment provided. Please wear sensible clothes and shoes.


Facebook: @friendsofmitchamcommon


Moreton Green Litter Pick

Friends of Moreton Green

When: 25 September & 27 November 2021, 10am - 12pm

Where: Meet at the play area opposite Middleton Road

The Friends arrange regular clean up days to help maintain the park and keep it looking good.


Facebook: @moretongreenfriends


Hosting a litter pick in your local area? 

Tell us about it and we will feature your clean up on our website so that others can join you!

I think that we did a fine job of picking bottles, cans, food packaging and wet wipes out of hedges and off pavements, and removing small bits of plastic from grassy areas. We know how to spend a Saturday morning!


Pippa - Sustainable Merton Member


More on WASTE

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plastic-free MERTON

Our #PlasticFreeMerton campaign seeks to support residents and businesses as we work together to reduce single-use plastics across the borough.

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Brought to you by Sustainable Merton as part of the national award-winning Refill scheme by City to Sea, Refill Merton aims to disrupt the social norm of buying bottled water on-the-go and make carrying a reusable bottle the new normal.

Morden Library of Things, Abe and Hedge

library of things

Sustainable Merton has partnered with social enterprise Library of Things and Merton Council to bring you Morden Library of Things - the first of its kind in Merton!​ You can now pop into Morden Library to borrow useful household items like drills, carpet cleaners and gazebos from just £1 per day.

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