On 21st March, a group of our Community Champions participated in a fuel poverty and energy saving workshop, led by fellow Champion Rachel, who has now joined the London Sustainability Exchange (LSx) team in her new Project Assistant role.
LSx's energy resilience programme, funded by the government’s Big Energy Saving Network, offers training to front-line workers on how to engage others regarding switching energy suppliers, establishing eligibility for grants and the Priority Services Register and how to apply, and making simple behavioural and material changes, such as draught proofing and installing LED light bulbs, to save energy in the home.
Sustainable Merton aims to increase its activity around the area of energy this year and Rachel’s talk was a great way to start the journey. Too many people are in or close to fuel poverty in our borough and Sustainable Merton wants to be part of the solution for them.
It was really interesting to learn about fuel poverty and ways to reduce energy consumption at home. From unplugging unused electronics to drying clothes on a line rather than in the dryer - each measure reduces energy consumption and has a positive impact on your wallet!
One of my biggest takeaways was that one LED spot lamp can replace approximately 10 conventional halogen spot lamps. The new LEDs virtually have the same lighting capacity as traditional lamps so you will barely notice any difference other than paying less for your energy bills. I will definitely change all my old lighting to LED at home.
Community Champion