Why buy when you can borrow?
A Library of Things is a place where you can borrow useful Things for your home, projects and adventures. Affordable. Convenient. Kinder to the planet.
Sustainable Merton has partnered with social enterprise Library of Things and Merton Council to bring you Morden Library of Things - the first of its kind in Merton.
From this November, you’ll be able to pop into Morden Library to borrow useful household items like drills, carpet cleaners and gazebos. Library of Things allows you to borrow items from as little as £1 per day, before returning them for another neighbour to use.
How borrowing works

Want to be one of the first to give borrowing a try?
To make it work, we need everyone in the Merton community on board. Find out more and sign up today to be the first to hear!
Right now, you can also vote for the items you want to borrow from the library. Visit the
website to vote and find out how you can give borrowing a try.
Community Activator: Morden Library of Things is hiring a part-time, local Community Activator to lead on local marketing & volunteer support.
Thing Technician: Morden Library of Things is now hiring a part-time, local Thing Technician to do ongoing item maintenance & cleaning.
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