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Record-breaking harvest at Phipps Bridge Community Garden

From June to December 2020, our Community Champions harvested a whopping 1,020kg of fresh produce, grown with love and care at Phipps Bridge Community Garden. This is a fantastic result and the first time our team has hit the ton mark! Around a quarter of this was donated to Merton's Community Fridge as part of our Sustainable Food Places programme.

Our Community Gardening Coordinator Ruth has done a bit of number crunching and here's how our harvests turned out...


🌱 Jerusalem artichoke - 7.5kg

🌱 Broad beans - 22.2kg

🌱 Dwarf beans - 12.5kg

🌱 Runner beans 68.75kg

🌱 Beetroot - 15.5kg

🌱 Brussell sprouts - 12.8kg (and still counting)

🌱 Cabbage - 1.8kg (and still counting)

🌱 Cavalo nero - 2.45kg (and still counting)

🌱 Chard - 25kg (and still counting)

🌱 Courgettes - 114.5kg

🌱 Fennel - 1.45kg (and still a bit to be harvested)

🌱 Kale - 3.9kg (and still counting)

🌱 Leeks - 12.8kg

🌱 Onions - 38.1kg

🌱 Pak choi - 0.7kg (we need to be quicker to harvest this next year before it goes to seed!)

🌱 Parsnips - 24.1kg

🌱 Peas - 0.55kg

🌱 Potatoes - 131kg

🌱 Radishes - 4.45kg

🌱 Salad leaves - 5.5kg (and still a bit to harvest)

🌱 Squashes/pumpkins - 121kg (the Turks Head squashes particularly delicious this year)

🌱 Sweetcorn - 1.7kg

🌱 Tomatoes - 64.9kg (including 16.1kg cherry tomatoes) - this is a record for us!

🌱 Turnips - 2.75kg and still a few to harvest


🌱 Apples - 17.6kg

🌱 Blackberries - 4kg

🌱 Plums/damsons - 4.1kg

🌱 Pears - 5kg

🌱 Raspberries - 0.55kg (plus the ones we ate straight from the bush!)

🌱 Red/Blackcurrants - 0.25kg

🌱 Gooseberries - 12.35kg

🌱 Grapes - 10.5kg (Special thanks to Bob and Steve!)

Fantastic results and brilliant work by all members of the team! We look forward to another busy growing season in the year ahead.

Find out more about our community gardening activities HERE.


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