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Sustainable Food Places comes to Merton

Sustainable Merton is pleased to announce we have joined Sustainable Food Places. This partnership programme is led by the Soil Association, Food Matters and Sustain, the approach is to move to a healthy, sustainable, and more equitable food system.

Here at Sustainable Merton, we hope that our Sustainable Food Places project will make steps towards achieving good food for all. We are working with local allotments and food growing projects in the borough with the aim to bring the Merton’s community together through growing food and sharing food.

Starting from the ground upwards, we are supporting existing food growing places by encouraging our diverse, talented, and caring community to get involved in learning how to grow, teaming this with workshops and activities for everyone to enjoy. We are also working with local resident volunteers to create welcoming green spaces where people can go to relax, learn, and socialise. Despite the project being in its early stages, we are already finding friendships are being formed and our green spaces are flourishing.

It is our hope that the food grown in these places can be shared between residents and any surplus donated to Merton's Community Fridge Network. Merton's Community Fridge Network consists of 4 community fridges spread throughout the borough and welcomes anyone who would like some fresh surplus food to come and take what they would like as well as having the opportunity to share any of their own surplus food with others. The community fridges are all about reducing food waste, providing fresh food to the community and bringing people together.

The project is open to everyone so for more information about becoming involved in the project please email us at We’d love to hear from you!

Ellie Smallshaw

Projects & Campaigns Coordinator, Sustainable Merton


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