Every year in the UK we throw away a massive 300,000 tonnes of clothing! This is bad for our pockets and the environment.
It's estimated that the value of unused clothing in wardrobes is around £30 billion and that £140 million worth of clothing goes into landfill each year.
The annual footprint of a household’s newly bought clothing, along with the washing and cleaning of its clothes, is estimated to be equivalent to the:
carbon emissions from driving an average modern car for 6,000 miles
water needed to fill over 1,000 bathtubs
weight of over 100 pairs of jeans
So what can we about it?
Swap your way to a new wardrobe at Sacred Heart Environment Group's Swishing Evening!
Swishing is a fun and social way of encouraging people to make the most of what they’ve got hanging in their wardrobe, sitting in a drawer or packed away in a box.
Time & Location
18 October, 7.30 - 9.30pm
Entry fee: £5 with welcome drink (funds to Church appeal)
Rules of the Rail:
1) Everyone must bring at least one item of quality clothing recently cleaned/dry cleaned.
You will receive tokens relative to the value of your items. Extra tokens can be purchased.
2) You will have half an hour to browse before the swish opens.
3) No item may be claimed before the swish opens.
4) As soon as the swish is declared open, everyone may take what they want according to the value of
the tokens they have.
Contact: amathurston@hotmail.com