Community Fridges have never been more needed and Merton's Community Fridge is stepping up by opening its doors on a third day each week. From 31 October we'll be open on Monday (NEW!), Wednesday and Thursday.
Our volunteer Fridge Friends are essential to the smooth running of the Fridge and they do a wonderful job in helping us to redistribute surplus food to the Merton community. Together, we're stopping good food from going to waste!
We are looking for volunteers for the following shifts...
FOOD DISTRIBUTION (Morden Baptist Church)
🌟 MONDAY: 3.30 - 6.30pm⠀
What you’ll be doing: Assisting with welcoming and distributing food to Fridge members in a friendly manner; setting up/putting away tables, chairs and food and storing undistributed food after the Fridge closes.
FOOD COLLECTIONS (various times and locations)
What you’ll be doing: Collect surplus food from local businesses and drop the food collection off at the Fridge storage facility in Morden Baptist Church (wheelie bag, vehicle or bike with panniers required). These collections are coordinated via an app which you will need to keep an eye on for notifications when your collection is planned. These might not be every week but once you have a relationship with the store you can encourage them to save even more food from waste and help fight food poverty at the same time.
➡️ Please email communityfridge@sustainablemerton.org if you can help!