The government has launched a series of consultations on waste, and is seeking your views. As Merton's leading environmental charity lobbying for action to reduce waste in the borough, we urge you to have your say on these important issues.
All consultations end on 13th May 2019.
Consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system
This consultation seeks views on measures to reduce the amount of unnecessary and difficult to recycle packaging and increase the amount of packaging that can and is recycled, through reforms to the packaging producer responsibility regulations. It also proposes that the full net costs of managing packaging waste are placed on those businesses who use packaging and who are best placed to influence its design. This is consistent with the polluter pays principle and the concept of extended producer responsibility.
Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England
The consultation seeks view on plans to make recycling collections consistent across England. Local authorities would collect the same kind of materials from households, such as: plastic, glass, metal, paper and cardboard. They would also have separate food and garden waste collections. This will help to reduce confusion about what can be recycled.
Your views are also wanted on changes to require businesses to separate their recyclable waste from residual waste for collection, and on making waste disposal more cost effective while at the same time increasing the amount of recycling collected from businesses.
Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
This consultation seeks your views on proposals to introduce a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This would include drinks containers such as: glass bottles, plastic bottles and cans.
The cost of the deposit would be added to the price of the drinks included in the scheme when they are purchased. This deposit would be redeemed when consumers return their empty drinks containers to a designated return point.